Give Your Heart Some Love
We, as women, need to take cardiovascular disease seriously. Heart disease can seriously impact our quality of life and is the number one cause of death for women. The good

7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
Once you know you are pregnant, it is more important than ever to take good care of yourself. The following guidelines will help you improve your chances of having a

Skin Health and Aesthetics
While we believe that all women are beautiful, we know that many of you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin. Not feeling good about how you look can

Women and Heart Disease
For many women, their gynecologist is the one doctor they see on a regular basis for preventative care. They know that pap smears and mammograms are important for catching breast,

The Miracle Orchids Medical Center Menu of Services
Our goal is to provide quality, caring and comprehensive medical care for women throughout all stages of their lives. We value the opportunity to establish long term relationships with each

7 Things Not to Say to Pregnant Women
You look ready to pop! Pregnant women can be feeling sensitive about the changes in their bodies, making hearing this more hurtful than supportive. Especially, if they are not anywhere

Creating a Birth Plan
The birth of your baby will be one of the most important experiences of your life. While medical personnel have certain routines they follow, they also want to make sure

Planning Your Family
Most couples who plan on having children would prefer to have them within a specific time frame. They may want to enjoy a year or two of their relationship before

Cervical Cancer – What You Need to Know
Cervical cancer is a deadly disease that happens when cells of the cervix begin to grow abnormally. It is usually caused by certain types of HPV, a sexually transmitted virus.

Introducing Zo Skin Health Products & Professional Treatments
Skin care is self care. Taking steps to ensure you feel good about your skin’s appearance can help you feel good about yourself overall. Even when your skin looks great

Breast Cancer Prevention
Most of us have had our lives touched by breast cancer in some way. We may have lost a loved one, know someone in treatment, or experienced it ourselves. Hopefully,

HPV Vaccination is Cancer Prevention
HPV or human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted infection that can lead to 6 different types of cancer and genital warts. It will infect 80% of us during our lifetimes