HPV Vaccination is Cancer Prevention

HPV vaccination in Orange County
HPV vaccine Fountain Valley
Cervical Cancer Orange County
Gardasil Fountain Valley

HPV or human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted infection that can lead to 6 different types of cancer and genital warts. It will infect 80% of us during our lifetimes and 14 million teens and adults are diagnosed with it each year.

If you have been sexually active or plan to be in the future, you are at risk.

For women, the biggest concern is cervical cancer. Nine out of 10 cases of this type of cancer start with an HPV infection. Cancers of the throat and sexual organs of both men and women are commonly associated with HPV, too.

Here at Miracle Orchids Medical Center we take your sexual health and cancer risk seriously. For many of our patients we recommend a vaccine that can prevent HPV and the associated risks.

Gardasil 9 is an FDA approved HPV vaccine for people from ages 9 to 45. Ideally, it will be given before children are sexually active, usually at the ages of 11-12, but can be used for adults too. It cannot cure an existing infection, but can prevent future infections of other cancer causing strains of the disease. It may also prevent sexual partners from spreading the virus to each other.

In the years since these vaccines have been recommended there have been dramatic decreases in HPV cases and cervical cancers in women. The vaccinations are definitely making a difference and saving lives.

When you come in for a consultation, our goal will be to support you in feeling empowered in maintaining your health and enjoying the gifts of being a woman through all phases of your life.

To schedule a consultation call (714) 486-1228 or contact us here.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley CA