cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a deadly disease with a 5 year survival rate of only 68%. It’s important we take it seriously. Signs to look out for are abnormal bleeding or discharge, painful sex, lower back pain or unintended weight loss, but it’s best to catch it before there are any symptoms at all.

Or, prevent it.

pregnancy prevention

It is important for people who are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy to be informed and proactive about birth control. There are many types of contraception available, but keep in mind the only completely reliable method for avoiding pregnancy is abstaining from sex.

There are a number of alternatives for pregnancy prevention that vary in effectiveness and convenience. It’s important to remember that not all of them protect against sexually transmitted diseases and infections, especially if you are not in a committed relationship with someone you trust.

Here are some pregnancy prevention options you may want to consider.

Barrier Methods

Just like it sounds, these methods use a barrier to block the sperm from meeting the egg. These barriers can also protect you from STDs transferred by fluids, but only protect from skin contact infections where the skin is actually covered.

Male and Female Condoms: According to the CDC these are about 80% effective when used correctly.

Diaphram: When placed properly with spermicide this method is about 90% effective.

Cervical Cap: Results can vary, but are estimated around 70%.

Sponge: This option contains spermicide and needs to be placed correctly, but can be about 75% to 85% effective.

Spermicide: When used on it’s own spermicide is about 70% effective. It’s important to follow the specific guidelines of placing it 10 minutes before sex and knowing you are only protected for about an hour.

Hormonal Methods

These contraceptives prevent pregnancy by using hormones to stop ovulation.

Birth Control Pills: While a prescription is needed, this is the most common method of pregnancy prevention. When taken as directed they can be 99% effective.

Other Hormone Delivery Methods: Contraceptive medications can also be delivered via a patch, vaginal ring or injections. Their effectiveness varies between 90% and 99%.

Intrauterine Devices and Implants

IUD: This small device is inserted in your uterus by a doctor and can last for years. It works by thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm entering the uterus and other hormonal changes. It can be up to 99% effective.

Implant: This is a matchstick sized rod that is placed in your arm. It works by releasing a hormone that stops ovulation and is considered to be 99% effective. You will need a new one every 3 years.

Natural Family Planning

This method of birth control involves tracking your menstrual cycle and avoiding sex when you are in the fertile phase of the that cycle. When done correctly it is about 76% effective.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception should never be used in place of regular forms of birth control. It is important to act quickly because the sooner it is used the more effective it will be. There are 2 methods of emergency contraception.


For those interested in more permanent options there are minor surgical procedures for both men and women that are about 99% effective.

Choosing a pregnancy prevention option is something best done in partnership with your medical doctor. We can answer any questions you have and help guide you to the method that will serve you best.

If you live in Orange County, CA and don’t already have an OB/Gyn you love, give us a call. We would love to support you through all of your women’s health needs.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

gynecologist in Fountain Valley

Endometriosis is an often painful condition caused by the tissue that usually grows within your uterus growing outside of it. This tissue acts like regular uterine tissue, thickening and then bleeding at the end of your cycle, but the blood has nowhere to go. This can cause pain, inflammation, lesions and scar tissue, most commonly around your ovaries.

While there is no definite answer as to what causes this condition we know that it can result in:

The pain and lifestyle limitations associated with this condition can lead to depression. It is also important to note that about 40% of women struggling with infertility have endometriosis. In some cases it can lead to ovarian cancer or dangerous scar tissue.

There is no cure for endometriosis, but we can treat it. We may recommend hormones or other medications and in some cases surgery. Other recommendations may include a healthy diet and exercise and applying heat or taking a warm bath when it flares up.

A diagnosis of endometriosis does not mean you are sentenced to a life of pain. While everyone is different, we feel confident we can help you find the treatment that will be right for you.

If you are concerned and think you may have endometriosis, please call and schedule a consultation. We would love to help.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

healthy sex life
OB/Gyn Fountain Valley

Love, intimacy and sex are important aspects of human life. They are the foundation for healthy relationships, creating families and our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

There are many benefits to a healthy sex life including improved immunity, lower blood pressure, bladder control for women, and that it counts as exercise.

Sex is a good thing when practiced in the context of sexual health. Here are 3 things to consider and talk about with your partner that will help keep your sex life healthy.

Consent and Communication: First of all, sex should only happen when there is mutual consent. No one should ever be forced or coerced into it, even when in a long term relationship. We also recommend clear communication about the types of sex you are comfortable with as well as the other items listed below.

Pregnancy Planning: There should be a mutual understanding about whether contraception methods will be used and if so, which ones. Any decision to bring a child into the world should be agreed upon by both parties.

Disease Prevention: Sexually transmitted diseases do not always have obvious symptoms. Before anything happens, both of you should agree to prevention methods like barriers (condoms), testing and/or a mutually exclusive relationship. Always practice safe sex and if you have any concerns, come in for a screening.

There are other things that can impact sexual health including painful intercourse, urinary tract infections, low sex drive or anything that prevents you from having the sex life you want.

We are here to help you with all of your sexual health needs. We can also support you with contraception options, fertility and other aspects of women’s health.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

ob/gyn Orange County
ob/gyn Fountain Valley
Vietnamese ob/gyn

Your thyroid is a gland in the front of your neck that produces hormones that impact most of the metabolic processes in your body. The most common thyroid issues are when it over or under produces hormones. Hyperthyroidism is what it’s called when it’s over-producing and hypothyroidism is when the output is low.

Signs of Hyperthyroidism

Signs of Hypothyroidism

There are many different reasons you might be having thyroid issues including inflammation, nodules and autoimmune diseases. The good news is that we can do simple tests and in most cases provide medication that helps you feel normal again.

If you are concerned you may have a thyroid issue or another medical concern, please let us know. Our goal is to help you be as healthy and happy as possible.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

Miracle Orchids Medical services
OB/GYN Fountain Valley

Our goal is to provide quality, caring and comprehensive medical care for women throughout all stages of their lives. We value the opportunity to establish long term relationships with each of you and support your health and family planning goals.

In order to do this we offer the following services:

Obstetrics: Dr. Pham is passionate about helping women have healthy pregnancies and birth experiences. She believes every birth is a miracle and will be there to support you for pregnancy planning, fertility, prenatal care, and during labor and delivery. She is committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

Gynecology: From teens to grandmas we love to support women through all of their women’s health needs. This includes routine health screenings, HPV vaccines, birth control, hormone replacement, specific medical issues and more.

Wellness: Staying healthy is important through pregnancy and your entire life. We can provide support and guidance for nutrition and other areas that will help you feel your best.

Aesthetics: Taking steps to ensure you feel good about your appearance can help you feel good about yourself overall. We offer a wide variety of products and procedures that can help you look your best and provide specialized skin care options for acne, discolorations, sun protection and signs of aging.

Every woman can benefit from having a doctor she trusts who will be there for all of the seasons of her life. We feel honored to witness the miracles and challenges that our patients experience and support them along the way.

If you are looking an OB/GYN you will love, give us a call. We promise to take great care of you.

Dr. Krystal Pham – Fountain Valley – (714) 486-1228

cervical cancer treatment in Fountain Valley
cervical cancer screening in OC
HPV vaccine in Fountain Valley

Cervical cancer is a deadly disease that happens when cells of the cervix begin to grow abnormally. It is usually caused by certain types of HPV, a sexually transmitted virus.

Our goal is to help you prevent it or discover it in the early stages when it can be treated.

Some of the early signs of this cancer include:

If you are experiencing these symptoms, please contact us as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.

Your best line of defense in protecting yourself from cervical cancer is the HPV vaccine, which is available for men and women between the ages of 9 and 45. We encourage you to learn if this is an option for you and your children as it can truly save lives.

It is also important to stay current with annual women’s wellness exams, pap smears, and HPV screening. These screenings can catch abnormal cells early when treatment is simpler and more effective.

Other ways to protect yourself are to:

If you are due or overdue for your annual preventive screenings or have concerns about HPV or cervical cancer, please give us a call.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

HPV vaccination in Orange County
HPV vaccine Fountain Valley
Cervical Cancer Orange County
Gardasil Fountain Valley

HPV or human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted infection that can lead to 6 different types of cancer and genital warts. It will infect 80% of us during our lifetimes and 14 million teens and adults are diagnosed with it each year.

If you have been sexually active or plan to be in the future, you are at risk.

For women, the biggest concern is cervical cancer. Nine out of 10 cases of this type of cancer start with an HPV infection. Cancers of the throat and sexual organs of both men and women are commonly associated with HPV, too.

Here at Miracle Orchids Medical Center we take your sexual health and cancer risk seriously. For many of our patients we recommend a vaccine that can prevent HPV and the associated risks.

Gardasil 9 is an FDA approved HPV vaccine for people from ages 9 to 45. Ideally, it will be given before children are sexually active, usually at the ages of 11-12, but can be used for adults too. It cannot cure an existing infection, but can prevent future infections of other cancer causing strains of the disease. It may also prevent sexual partners from spreading the virus to each other.

In the years since these vaccines have been recommended there have been dramatic decreases in HPV cases and cervical cancers in women. The vaccinations are definitely making a difference and saving lives.

When you come in for a consultation, our goal will be to support you in feeling empowered in maintaining your health and enjoying the gifts of being a woman through all phases of your life.

To schedule a consultation call (714) 486-1228 or contact us here.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley CA

Women who take control of their health empower themselves to live longer, disease-free lives. A lifetime of good health starts with prevention, including annual wellness exams and screenings. A women’s health doctor can be your greatest partner in prevention, offering you advice for healthy living and providing important screenings designed to identify complications and illnesses during their earliest stages. From adolescence to post-menopause, a woman’s health demands care and attention at all stages of life.

Did you know…

that female health screenings have significantly reduced the number of deaths from certain diseases, such as cervical cancer? Unfortunately, not all women adhere to guidelines for health screenings such as mammograms and pap smears. The Centers for Disease Control reports that only 67 percent of American women over age 40 have had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer in the last 2 years, and about 73 percent over age 18 have had a pap smear in the past 3 years. But periodic screening can identify cancer at its earliest stages, vastly improving long-term prognosis and 5-year survival rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

I consider myself healthy. Should I be seeing a women’s health doctor?

Yes. Women’s healthcare is for all females of reproductive age or older. If you are healthy and symptom-free, your doctor can help keep you that way with periodic screenings, immunizations, and advice for healthy living. Keep in mind that sometimes underlying health problems present no symptoms at all; so it is important to see your practitioner each year for a routine wellness exam.

What should I expect during a visit to a women’s health doctor?

The components of your visit will vary according to your age. Young women, for example, require annual pap smears, pelvic exams, breast exams, and possible immunization against HPV. Ladies over age 25 may begin to get pap smears less frequently, although they will begin mammogram screenings by age 40. Your doctor will also speak with you about your health concerns, risk for certain diseases, and contraception needs if applicable.

Will I need to follow any special instructions between visits?

Possibly. Every woman is unique, so only your doctor can tell you whether you need to make changes to your lifestyle or eating habits following your appointment.

Annual gynecological exams are preventative tools available to help women identify and treat complications that pose a threat to their health as early as possible. By getting annual exams, women can also learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle and adopt habits that facilitate long-term health. Exams for women often screen for sexually transmitted diseases and include the administration of vaccinations for common diseases like HPV, hepatitis, and the flu. As women age, annual exams may also include discussions about using hormone supplementation to manage the symptoms of, as well as the use of supplements to prevent osteoporosis.

Did you know…

that your annual gynecological exam is an excellent opportunity to discuss family planning with your doctor? Your gynecologist can offer fertility counseling, as well as education about ovulation and improving your chances of conception. If you are not yet ready to start a family or are finished having children, you can speak with your gynecologist about your options for birth control.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get an annual gynecological exam?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that you begin getting breast health exams at age 19 and annual pelvic exams with pap smears at age 21. Once your reach age 30, you will still need breast and pelvic exams each year but may space pap smears every two years so long as all previous pap smears have been normal.

What should I expect during my annual exam?

Your annual exam will begin with an assessment of your weight and blood pressure, as well as a discussion of any symptoms or health changes you may have experienced since your last visit. Your gynecologist will palpate your breasts to check for lumps or unusual changes to breast tissue. The pelvic exam will also include a manual and visual examination of the cervix, uterus, and vagina. If you are getting a pap test, your doctor will swab your cervix to check for the presence of abnormal cells.

Will I need to follow any special instructions after my exam is complete?

Your gynecologist will advise you on any changes you may need to make following your exam. For example, you may be advised to modify your diet, exercise habits or the types of supplements you should be taking each day.