Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs and is diagnosed during pregnancy. The disease can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics and lifestyle habits. A woman with gestational diabetes does not produce enough of her own insulin during pregnancy, causing erratic blood sugar levels. Gestational diabetes puts newborns at risk for respiratory complications, and it can also cause babies to be born at high birth weights.
Did you know…
that gestational diabetes was once believed to only affect 1 in 20 pregnancies? Unfortunately, as many as 1 in 5 pregnancies today result in gestational diabetes. Women who have had gestational diabetes in prior pregnancies have a 6 in 10 chance of developing the disease again. They also have a 1 in 2 chance of developing Type 2 diabetes within a decade of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Anyone is at risk for developing gestational diabetes, and screening at approximately 20 weeks gestation is standard for prenatal care. However, you are at an increased risk for gestational diabetes if you are overweight, have a family history of diabetes, have high blood pressure, or are over age 25.
You can most likely manage gestational diabetes with dietary modifications. However, your obstetrician may also recommend glucose testing and insulin injections for the duration of your pregnancy.
Yes. Although there is no way to ensure you will not get gestational diabetes, you may be able to lower your risk of developing the disease by maintaining a healthy weight prior to and during pregnancy. Eat a diet low in sugar and exercise moderately before and throughout your pregnancy according to your obstetrician’s recommendations.
Hysterectomies are routine gynecological procedures used to remove a woman’s uterus and sometimes her ovaries and fallopian tubes as well. When the uterus is removed, women are no longer capable of bearing children. They also stop menstruating and if the ovaries are removed, they will also enter menopause.
Did you know…
that by age 60, more than 30 percent of American women have had a hysterectomy? Although hysterectomy rates have declined slightly in recent years, they are still the second most common major surgery performed on women in their reproductive years. According to the Centers for Disease Control, surgeons and gynecologists perform more than 600,000 hysterectomies every year – that’s more than one every minute!
The decision to get a hysterectomy is one that you will need to make with your gynecologist. There are many reasons why gynecologists recommend hysterectomies for their patients. Some of the most common causes are uterine fibroids and uterine prolapsed, although endometriosis, reproductive cancer, and chronic pelvic pain can also warrant the need for a hysterectomy.
Hysterectomies are major surgery, but advancements in gynecological technology have made the procedure much less invasive. Your hysterectomy may be completed via an incision in your lower abdomen or in your vagina. It may also be assisted by a state-of-the-art robot that is used for greater precision and shorter recovery time.
Prior to the procedure, you may be given a vaginal douche and intravenous antibiotic to lower your risk of developing an infection during the surgery. You’ll be placed under general anesthesia for between one and two hours, eventually waking up with no memory of the procedure.
After hysterectomy surgery, your doctor will give you instructions for you recovery period. You’ll be encouraged to begin walking around within just hours of your operation, and you may need to stay in the hospital for supervision for several days. You’ll need to get plenty of rest and avoid lifting heavy objects or children for at least six weeks after your procedure.
Infertility is a condition diagnosed in men and women who cannot conceive a baby together after at least one year of frequent, unprotected sex. Infertility may affect only one partner or it could be a problem stemming from both. Infertility does not always mean that a couple will never have a baby together, but rather that they may need medical assistance in doing so. There are many treatments available to address infertility, many of which produce excellent success rates.
Did you know…
that infertility is very common in the United States? A staggering 10 to 15 percent of couples in America struggle with some form of infertility. But for those couples who seek infertility treatment, the National Institutes of Health report that as many as two out of three go on to have children together.
If you have been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for at least 12 months, you may need to be evaluated for infertility. Exceptions are made for women over the age of 35 who have been attempting to conceive for at least 6 months, as well as for women who have irregular periods and/or a history of two or more miscarriages.
Your infertility visit will seek to find the reasons for your inability to conceive. You and your partner will attend together, at which time your fertility doctor will ask you about your medical history and menstruation. You’ll also be asked personal questions about you and your partner’s intimate relationship, such as how frequently you have sex and how long you have been trying to conceive. Additional screenings and tests may also be ordered to determine your ability to conceive individually and as a couple.
There are treatments available to address many of the most common causes of infertility in both men and women. For example, men may experience increased fertility if they are treated for impotence or given hormones to improve sperm production. Women, on the other hand, have a host of infertility treatment options, including medications and hormone injections that encourage ovulation. Surgeries are also available to remove blockages in the fallopian tubes. More advanced methods of infertility treatment include the use of advanced reproductive technology, such as in-vitro fertilization.
Menopause is a natural part of life as normal as menstruation or having a baby. All women eventually enter menopause though some sooner than later. When menopause occurs, the body stops producing an egg each month during ovulation and menstruation halts. Aside from changes to menstrual cycles, women entering menopause may begin to experience side effects of hormonal changes, such as hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, vaginal dryness, and thinning hair.
Did you know…
that the average age of onset for menopause is 51 for American women? However, menopause is most likely to occur at any time between the ages of 40 and 60.Some women even go through early menopause, which is menopause that occurs before the age of 40. In extremely rare cases, early menopause can occur as young as a woman’s teens or 20s.
Perimenopause is the period when menstruation and ovulation is erratic and menopausal symptoms are beginning to set in. Menopause is not said to have occurred until a year has passed since a woman last menstruated. You could be approaching menopause if you are experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause, although this isn’t likely to occur before age 40.
Your gynecologist will confirm that your symptoms are related to perimenopause or menopause, and he or she will explain the types of symptoms you can expect in the coming months and years. Your doctor may also speak to you about hormone replacement therapy, which can help you manage the hormonal changes that occur as your menstrual cycles stop.
If the symptoms of menopause are interacting with your day to day life, do not hesitate to speak with your gynecologist about the ways that you can treat or manage issues like sleep disruptions, anxiety, depression, or low energy.
The ovaries are small organs that help regulate the reproductive processes in women. Most women are born with two ovaries – one on each side of the uterus. As the ovaries mature during adolescence, they begin producing hormones and regulating menstruation. The ovaries frequently develop cysts, most of which are non-threatening. However, some women develop ovarian tumors, which may not always be as benign as simple cysts. Tumors require further examination and possible intervention.
Did you know?
There are many types of ovarian tumors. In some cases, these tumors can turn out to be ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer often produces few symptoms in its earliest stages. There are several factors that may contribute to the chances of getting ovarian cancer. Age and family history, as well as obesity and the use of fertility drugs, can all contribute to your chances of developing ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer screenings are not standard preventative care for women. However, you may wish to get screened for the BRCA gene, which has been shown to significantly increase the risk of developing breast, colorectal and ovarian cancer. You should also consider being screened for ovarian tumors if you are experiencing symptoms like chronic abdominal pain or bloating, significant weight gain, loss of appetite, nausea, lower back pain, or difficulty urinating.
Your gynecologist will probably ask you to come in for a pelvic exam, during which time he or she will palpate your abdomen to check for the presence of abnormal growths. In some cases, additional screenings may be ordered, such as an ultrasound or MRI. If a tumor is found, your doctor may remove it during a laparotomy and biopsy it for cancer. If cancer is detected, you may begin a regimen of chemotherapy and radiation to help destroy any remaining cancer cells and prevent new ones from growing.
Yes. In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, you may wish to speak with you gynecologist about birth control. Women who take birth control are less likely to develop ovarian cancer later in life.
Many people dream of having families – usually in a specific time frame. Couples often prefer to plan the timing of their children’s births around work, finances, careers, education and life goals. Some want several children, where as others may want none. Regardless of how many children you want and when you want them, your gynecologist can be your partner in achieving your reproductive goals at every stage of life.
Did you know…
the average woman in America wants only two children? And in the U.S., the average woman chooses to have her first child between 25 and 26 years old? Of course, those are mere statistics and many women decide to begin having children in their early 20s, 30s, or even 40s. But regardless of when an average, healthy female decides to have her children, she’ll spend approximately 30 years using contraceptives or other methods of family planning in order to achieve her goals.
You can speak with a family planning doctor as young as 15 and all the way through your reproductive years. Regardless of whether you need help preventing pregnancy or planning it, your gynecologist can help you develop a realistic plan for achieving your goals.
Your family planning appointment will include a review of your medical history and a discussion of your reproductive goals, both short-term and long-term. You’ll probably have a physical exam, which may include a pelvic exam of your reproductive organs. Your doctor will ask about the details of your menstrual cycle and how frequently you have intercourse. Based on that information, he or she will make a recommendation for treatment if applicable.
There is a host of family planning resources available to women and couples who have specific reproductive goals. Examples include oral contraceptives, emergency contraception, fertility treatments, and permanent birth control.
A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that obstetricians believe could have an elevated possibility of developing complications during pregnancy, labor, birth, or the postpartum period. High-risk pregnancies can still be healthy pregnancies, but they do require more medical supervision that normal pregnancies. Women who know they will be at high risk during pregnancy should meet with their obstetricians prior to becoming pregnant and also exercise caution in using assisted reproductive technology, such as in-vitro fertilization.
Did you know…
that approximately 1 in every 10 pregnancies is classified as high risk? However, classification of ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’ is merely a tool for obstetricians to determine the likelihood of complications. Plenty of high-risk pregnancies have normal outcomes, and some low-risk pregnancies present unexpected complications. Not all problems are predictable, but even with pregnancy challenges, both low-risk and high-risk mothers can experience healthy deliveries and healthy babies.
There are several factors that can contribute to a pregnancy being classified as ‘high risk.’ Examples include:
If your pregnancy is deemed ‘high risk,’ you can expect more frequent prenatal appointments than women experiencing low-risk pregnancies. You may also be subject to additional screenings, such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (placental cell screening), and cervical length measurement. These additional screenings can help identify your risks for things like pre-term labor or delivering a child with certain genetic conditions.
Your prenatal care will vary from that of low-risk pregnancies, and it is possible that your obstetrician will make special recommendations for care, such as avoiding exercise or remaining on bed-rest throughout your pregnancy. Be sure to discuss your concerns about your high-risk pregnancy care prior to becoming pregnant or at your initial prenatal appointment.
Vaginal delivery is the birth of a child by way of the vagina. According to the National Institutes of Health, the majority of women are healthy enough to deliver their babies vaginally, though some do experience complications that require surgical delivery known as a cesarean section. Vaginal births begin with labor, which is different for every woman. Many women elect to take childbirth classes to prepare them for the miracle of childbirth. Depending on your health, the health of your baby, and the policies of your delivery center, you may be offered pain-relieving medications to help alleviate discomfort leading up to delivery.
Did you know…
that vaginal delivery is recommended because of its significant health benefits for both mother and baby? According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women who deliver their babies vaginally experience faster recovery times, fewer infections, and less time in the hospital than women who deliver via cesarean section. Furthermore, babies who are born vaginally have been shown to exhibit fewer respiratory complications than c-section babies.
You could be a candidate for a vaginal delivery if you have experienced a healthy pregnancy free of major complications. However, there are a number of reasons your obstetrician may recommend a cesarean section birth instead, such as if you are delivering more than one baby, you have had a prior c-section, or your baby is breech.
Your vaginal delivery will begin with labor, during which time your uterus will begin contracting to start dilating your cervix. Your cervix will begin to thin and open during this time to 10 centimeters, or about 4 inches. Once it reaches full dilation, you will begin pushing your baby through the birth canal. The vast majority of babies are born head down, and most are born within minutes of the scalp coming into view. Once your baby is birthed through the canal, your obstetrician will deliver the placenta shortly after.
Yes. Recovery from a vaginal birth is usually easier than recovery from c-section birth, but there are still some guidelines you must follow to protect your health. If you have any vaginal wounds or stitches following your vaginal delivery, it is important to keep it clean. You may be instructed to avoid taking baths or swimming for at least six weeks after delivery and also to abstain from sex. Contact your obstetrician if you pass blood clots larger than golf balls, have difficulty urinating, experience uterine tenderness, or come down with a fever.