
We, as women, need to take cardiovascular disease seriously. Heart disease can seriously impact our quality of life and is the number one cause of death for women.

The good thing, though, is that this deadly disease is mostly preventable and often reversible through lifestyle choices and that puts the power in your hands. What you do today can impact how you look, feel, and experience the rest of your life.

We love that hearts are used as symbols of love and believe that being proactive with heart health is a way of loving yourself. The lifestyle changes you make to support your heart will improve your overall health and longevity as well.

We hope you are ready to start giving your heart (and yourself) some love. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Stop Smoking and Vaping

Smoking and Vaping are dangerous for your heart and lungs. Tobacco is also directly linked to cancer and it is important that if you are smoking or vaping you stop soon. If you need support, talk to your doctor or visit the Smokefree website for resources and motivation.

Exercise Regularly

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week to maintain a healthy heart. They also recommend strength training twice a week and in general, limiting the amount of time you spend sitting.

Exercising this way will also help you maintain a healthy weight, which will help you look and feel better in addition to keeping your heart healthy.

Reduce Stress

One of the effects of stress is an increase in your heartrate and blood pressure. When this happens regularly it can be dangerous. We encourage you to reduce your exposure to stressful situations when you can and find ways to help you stay calm. Here are some ideas to get you started.

There are also apps that can help you with this like Calm or Insight Timer and many programs available both in person and online.

Eat a Heart Healthy Diet

One of the most important ways to protect your health is to eat foods that are good for your heart and avoid those that aren’t. You will want to focus on whole foods like grains, beans, vegetables and fruits and avoid sugars, breads, certain oils and salty foods. Limiting sodium is especially important as it can increase your blood pressure.

Two of the commonly recommended diets for heart health are the Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diet. They both include flavorful foods that you can enjoy. These diets also support brain health, are anti-inflammatory and are good for you overall. We encourage you to find and adopt a heart healthy eating plan that works for you.

We take heart disease seriously and hope you do too. Improving your lifestyle in any of these areas will help and if you do them all we believe you are likely to look better, feel better and live longer, more vibrant lives. Please reach out to us if you would like our support on your heart heath journey.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

breast cancer prevention resources

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and it’s very likely that you or someone you care about has faced this diagnosis. It’s important that we all protect ourselves and do what we can to prevent this deadly disease.

Breast Cancer Prevention

Fortunately, there are several steps we can take to prevent or catch this cancer in it’s early stages when it’s easier to treat and resolve.

Monthly Breast Self-Exams: These easy to do exams are the first line of defense. Forty percent of breast cancers are found when women feel a lump. If you don’t know how to examine your breasts fully, check our resources below.

Mammograms: Annual x-ray screenings of the breasts are generally recommended starting at age 45. They can detect abnormalities in breast tissue that could be cancerous.

Annual Women’s Wellness Exams: Women should see a medical professional annually for a breast exam, cervical cancer screening, and overall health review. Call us to schedule yours at (714) 486-1228.

Genetic Testing: Women who have a high incidence of breast cancers in their family may choose to have genetic testing and consider more aggressive preventative treatments.

Breast Cancer Resources

How to do a breast self-exam: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-self-exam or https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/3990-breast-self-exam

Free educational guides: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/educational-guides/

National Breast Cancer Foundation: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/

BreastCancer.org: https://www.breastcancer.org/

Cancer.org: https://www.cancer.org/

If you are due for an annual screening, feel a lump or have any questions, we are here to help. Please give us a call.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

depression relief

We all experience mild depression at times and it often lifts on it’s own. But, when it sticks around and starts impacting your ability to function in life it is time to contact your doctor and ask for help. Depression is more common in women and shows up as:

(If you are considering suicide, please call the national suicide prevention line at 800-273-8255)

The good news is that there are things you can do to feel better. Some you can try on your own and others require the help of a professional.

6 Ways to Get Depression Relief

Reach out for social support – Whether it be a professionally run support group or getting together with friends, staying connected socially will keep you engaged and provide some level of support and relief.

Improve your lifestyle and habits – You may want to let go of habits that do not support you in feeling your best and bring in some new ones that do. Exercise, good sleep and a healthy diet can all contribute to your feeling better.

Try stress reduction – Deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, yoga and prayer are just a few of the many ways you can practice relaxation and stress relief. Women often describe feeling calmer, more in control and more positive after they do. Find something that works for you and practice it regularly.

Therapy – Depression often responds to several types of therapy, many of them short-term. We can all use a little support sometimes and therapy is commonly covered by medical insurance. Choose a therapist you feel comfortable with and let them guide you into feeling better.

Medication – There are several medications that have proven effective for women experiencing depression. Your doctor will review your medical history, current symptoms and recommend one that feels right for you.

Skip the vices – Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs can all play a part in keeping you depressed. Kicking them out of your life can be good for your mental and overall health.

We encourage you to reach out for help if you feel stuck in depression and it is interfering with your life. There are many paths to healing depression and getting you back to feeling normal again. Even if you can’t see it right now, we are sure that is what you deserve.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley CA – (714) 486-1228