Whether you are trying for a baby that is part of your family plan or may be having one by surprise, being able to confirm you are pregnant can be a big deal. While some women “just know” in an intuitive way, most of us rely on other forms of verification.

Physical Changes in Your Body

You may start to experience some physical changes in your body when about 3 weeks along. These can include:

Unfortunately, most of these can also be attributed to other things, so while they may be evidence of pregnancy it’s best to also consider another method of verification.

Pee-on-a-stick (POAS) Pregnancy Test

This commonly used method tests urine for a hormone that is present after implantation. The tests have varied levels of sensitivity and the hormone increases with time, so testing very early may not be reliable. It is commonly recommended to test at around 3 weeks and then confirm with another test a couple weeks later.

Blood Test

Blood tests are more sensitive to the pregnancy hormone and can be considered accurate at the 3 week mark, but they are seldom used unless there is a medical concern involved.


Ultrasound technology can show the gestational sac as early as 3-4 weeks, but most doctors wait until 4-6 weeks to recommend one unless there is a medical reason to do so before then. Ultrasounds are often performed throughout pregnancy and are a fun way to document the growth of your baby.

Doppler Heartbeat Detection

Verifying pregnancy by listening for a heartbeat with a Doppler machine (wand on the abdomen) is not reliable until some time between 8 and 12 weeks.

We encourage you to contact your doctor if you think you might be pregnant. They can provide accurate confirmation of pregnancy, support, and information that will help ensure a healthy pregnancy and good outcome.

If you don’t already have an OB/Gyn in the Orange County area that you love, please give us a call. We would love to support you and provide the healthcare you will need.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

getting pregnant

If you have decided it is time to start your family we are very excited for you. We have witnessed the miracles of pregnancy, birth and babies and know what a blessing they are.

While most women have no difficulty getting pregnant, about 10 to 15% find it doesn’t happen right away. If you are excited about bringing a new baby into your family as soon as possible there are some simple things you can do to improve your chances of that happening.

Stop Smoking – Tobacco use can inhibit fertility in many ways and it is dangerous for your health and the health of your baby. If you smoke, we encourage you to quit right away.

Exercise, but Not Too Much – While exercise is important for health and can contribute to fertility, excessive exercise can result in skipped periods and missed opportunities for getting pregnant.

Avoid Extremes in Weight – Being underweight or overweight can effect your hormone levels and prevent your pregnancy dreams from coming true.

Ban Alcohol and Drug Use – These substances can make conception difficult and are dangerous for you and your baby. If you use them regularly, it is best to get help stopping them before considering adding a baby into your life.

Limit Caffeine – Caffeine is a stimulant that may hinder your ability to get pregnant. It also raises your blood pressure which can be dangerous during pregnancy and has been associated with birth defects.

If you have had frequent, unprotected sex for over a year without getting pregnant, there may be a fertility issue. Give us a call. We can help identify and in most cases resolve it.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228


There are many benefits of breastfeeding for both you and your baby. Breast milk contains ideal nutrients and antibodies that can keep your little one well. For you, breastfeeding helps your uterus return to normal, supports weight loss and may decrease your risk of breast and uterine cancer. So, when you can, breastfeeding is usually recommended.

Many women who plan on breastfeeding are not sure how they should be eating. Here are a few guidelines:

You may need to eat more calories. It is estimated that 300 – 400 additional calories of highly nutritious foods should be sufficient for providing energy and producing milk.

There are foods that you should avoid. It is best to not drink alcohol or caffeine when you are breastfeeding. There are also concerns about eating fish, which commonly has high levels of mercury. In time, you may learn that your baby doesn’t do well with certain foods or spices and want to avoid them as well.

Choose quality foods. Eating a protein rich diet will help milk production and making healthy food choices will provide you and your baby with the nutrition you need to thrive. You may also want to talk to your doctor to see if they recommend you take supplements.

Drink plenty of fluids. Many doctors recommend having a glass of water or other non-sugary liquid after each breastfeeding session. You can also monitor the color of your urine, drinking enough to keep it from turning bright or dark yellow.

Monitor your baby’s reactions. If you notice your baby gets fussy or has digestive issues after you eat certain foods, you will want to avoid them. Rashes, diarrhea or wheezing after breastfeeding need to be addressed with your baby’s doctor.

Breastfeeding is about providing quality nutrients for you and your little one and avoiding anything that causes irritation or upsets. You will learn what works best in your situation as you get to know your baby. In the meantime, enjoy the bonding time breastfeeding provides as well as the many other benefits.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

healthy pregnancy

Once you know you are pregnant, it is more important than ever to take good care of yourself. The following guidelines will help you improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Start prenatal care as soon as you know you are pregnant. Your doctor will guide you in the process of ensuring a healthy pregnancy and child. She will answer your questions and support you every step of the way.

Take prenatal vitamins. They are specifically designed to protect the health of you and your baby.

Eat healthy and exercise. Your doctor will let you know which foods you need more of and which to avoid as well as provide exercise guidelines.

Get recommended immunizations. TDAP vaccines and flu shots for both you and your partner are commonly recommended. These will help you limit illness during your pregnancy.

See your dentist. Oral health issues can cause preterm birth and low weight infants. Taking care of your mouth is an important part of protecting your baby.

Surround yourself with people that support you. Emotional health is also important while you are pregnant. Make sure that you feel connected to people who will be there for you during this precious time.

Stop alcohol, drugs and smoking. They can all be dangerous for the health of your baby.

Our mission is to support you in being healthy, confident and excited as you bring your little miracle into this world. If you are pregnant or considering having a child, give us a call. We promise to take great care of you.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley – (714) 486-1228

Miracle Orchids Medical services
OB/GYN Fountain Valley

Our goal is to provide quality, caring and comprehensive medical care for women throughout all stages of their lives. We value the opportunity to establish long term relationships with each of you and support your health and family planning goals.

In order to do this we offer the following services:

Obstetrics: Dr. Pham is passionate about helping women have healthy pregnancies and birth experiences. She believes every birth is a miracle and will be there to support you for pregnancy planning, fertility, prenatal care, and during labor and delivery. She is committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

Gynecology: From teens to grandmas we love to support women through all of their women’s health needs. This includes routine health screenings, HPV vaccines, birth control, hormone replacement, specific medical issues and more.

Wellness: Staying healthy is important through pregnancy and your entire life. We can provide support and guidance for nutrition and other areas that will help you feel your best.

Aesthetics: Taking steps to ensure you feel good about your appearance can help you feel good about yourself overall. We offer a wide variety of products and procedures that can help you look your best and provide specialized skin care options for acne, discolorations, sun protection and signs of aging.

Every woman can benefit from having a doctor she trusts who will be there for all of the seasons of her life. We feel honored to witness the miracles and challenges that our patients experience and support them along the way.

If you are looking an OB/GYN you will love, give us a call. We promise to take great care of you.

Dr. Krystal Pham – Fountain Valley – (714) 486-1228

pregnant women
Pregnant woman

You look ready to pop! Pregnant women can be feeling sensitive about the changes in their bodies, making hearing this more hurtful than supportive. Especially, if they are not anywhere near their due date.

Are you sure you should be eating/drinking that? It is not your place to be the food police. Moms to be are generally well-informed and capable of making these decisions on their own.

Another boy? I bet you wish you were having a girl. All babies are blessings and most parents are focused on the health of their baby, not it’s gender. Even if she were hoping for a girl, it’s not kind to rub it in.

Let me tell you in gruesome detail about my traumatic birth story. This is not helpful. Not one bit. Moms can be apprehensive or even fearful about giving birth or the health of their newborn. Sharing something positive is much more supportive.

When I was pregnant I hardly gained any weight at all OR I lost my baby weight in just a few weeks. It’s not fair to set up expectations for her to compare to, especially when she will be focusing 100% on loving and caring for her new baby.

Get your rest now. You may never have a peaceful night of sleep again. Pregnant women already know babies take a lot of care, but there is no reason to rub it in. She made the decision to have a child even with all that. What she needs is encouragement and reminders of the good to come.

Your due date isn’t very good timing. Even if their due date is during holidays or close to tax day or whatever, there is no reason to add to her stress.

The main thing to keep in mind is that pregnant women have a lot going on and what they need most is encouragement. Be kind. Share your good stories. And, talk about how precious babies are.

If you don’t know what to say, sometimes the greatest gift is to listen. Ask her:

What are you looking forward to most?

Have you had an ultrasound? What does he/she look like.

Do you have a theme for the nursery yet?

Have you started buying cute little outfits? What’s your favorite?

And, be sure to let her know she looks radiant and beautiful. Both of you will walk away from the conversation feeling much better when you do.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

creating a birth plan
ob/gyn orange county

The birth of your baby will be one of the most important experiences of your life. While medical personnel have certain routines they follow, they also want to make sure that you feel good about how things are handled the day your baby is born.

We recommend writing a simple, clear birth plan that let’s us know your preferences. Dr. Krystal Pham will review the many options with you and answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to create your plan early and keep it positive by focusing on what you do want, not what you don’t.

It’s not necessary to have a birth plan, but taking the time to consider your options is beneficial. Having your wishes documented for your delivery team ensures clear communication and can make your experience less stressful.

What should you include in your birth plan?

Start with the basics. Your name and the names and contact information of your doctor and whoever you want in the room with you.

Labor preferences: This includes creating an atmosphere that will make you feel comfortable. You may want music or quiet with dimmed lights. It is also a great opportunity to let us know if you want items like a birthing ball or to allow people to take pictures.

Pain Management: Let us know if you would like an epidural or other pain relief methods. Dr. Pham will discuss this with you to help you decide. If you choose not to have something in your birth plan, you still have the option to change your mind during delivery.

Delivery Preferences: This is your opportunity to let the delivery team know how you feel about an episiotomy, watching the birth with a mirror, letting your partner cut the cord and other possibilities.

C-Section: Even if you have planned a vaginal birth circumstances may develop that require a c-section delivery. Include in your birth plan who you want to be with you if that should happen.

Baby Care Preferences: You can inform us if you will be breast feeding and want to start right away. Other considerations include where your baby sleeps and if a boy, whether or not you want him circumcised.

Once you have completed your birth plan outline, go over it with Dr. Pham, your labor coach, partner, and any other key people you want involved. Dr. Pham can help you refine it, if necessary, to ensure it is complete and in alignment with hospital policies.

Copies of your birth plan should be given to Dr. Pham, your hospital or birthing center, and whoever else feels appropriate to you.

We find that our patients who have created birth plans usually feel more confident when their time comes. They know that we understand their preferences and are committed to helping them have the best experience possible.

If you are looking for an OB/GYN to assist you through your pregnancy and delivery, give us a call. We would love to support you through this precious time of your life.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

family planning in Orange County
family planning in Fountain Valley
plan your family
asian family

Most couples who plan on having children would prefer to have them within a specific time frame. They may want to enjoy a year or two of their relationship before children or have career, education or financial goals they want to achieve first. They may also prefer to choose how many children they have and how far apart they will be.

It is not unusual for women to spend up to 30 years on contraceptives or using other family planning measures to stay within their childbearing goals.

We can help you with all of your family planning needs from age 15 through your reproductive years, including:

Your family planning visits will usually include a medical history review, physical exam and discussion of your short and long term reproductive goals. We will then provide the information and tools that will help you make your family plan come true.

Don’t leave your family creation to chance. Give us a call today!

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

prenatal care in Fountain Valley
independent ob/gyn in Fountain Valley
OC prenatal care
pregnant woman with heart

We encourage you to come in for your first prenatal visit as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

Your baby is already developing and early prenatal care can decrease the risk of complications and help ensure it’s health.  We will also support you by answering questions, providing reassurance, and guiding you through the steps that will protect the health of both you and your little one.

Some of the things we may recommend include:

Prenatal Vitamins – These vitamins are designed specifically for the health of babies and mom’s to be. For example, they include folic acid that can help prevent the development of brain and spinal cord defects. Your body will also be changing and have different needs that will be supported by the specific contents of prenatal vitamins.

Healthy Diet – It is important that you eat well and drink plenty of water during your pregnancy. Your diet should include protein, plenty of fresh vegetables, and foods rich in iron and calcium. We will provide guidance and support you in eating the best you can during this special time.

Immunizations – We may recommend that you and your partner get flu shots to prevent your getting sick during pregnancy. Tdap vaccines are also commonly recommended. They prevent whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria and can continue to protect your baby in her weeks after birth.

Prenatal Appointments as Advised – It is important to stay consistent with your recommended prenatal doctor visits. At each appointment we will ask for a urine sample, check your weight and belly measurements to assess your baby’s growth, and listen to their heartbeat. Most “mom’s to be” say listening to the heartbeat is their favorite thing.   

Being committed to your prenatal care is the best way to ensure that you and your baby stay healthy.

We will help you every step of the way.  

Dr. Krystal H. Pham Miracle Orchids Medical Center (714) 486-1228