
We, as women, need to take cardiovascular disease seriously. Heart disease can seriously impact our quality of life and is the number one cause of death for women.

The good thing, though, is that this deadly disease is mostly preventable and often reversible through lifestyle choices and that puts the power in your hands. What you do today can impact how you look, feel, and experience the rest of your life.

We love that hearts are used as symbols of love and believe that being proactive with heart health is a way of loving yourself. The lifestyle changes you make to support your heart will improve your overall health and longevity as well.

We hope you are ready to start giving your heart (and yourself) some love. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Stop Smoking and Vaping

Smoking and Vaping are dangerous for your heart and lungs. Tobacco is also directly linked to cancer and it is important that if you are smoking or vaping you stop soon. If you need support, talk to your doctor or visit the Smokefree website for resources and motivation.

Exercise Regularly

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week to maintain a healthy heart. They also recommend strength training twice a week and in general, limiting the amount of time you spend sitting.

Exercising this way will also help you maintain a healthy weight, which will help you look and feel better in addition to keeping your heart healthy.

Reduce Stress

One of the effects of stress is an increase in your heartrate and blood pressure. When this happens regularly it can be dangerous. We encourage you to reduce your exposure to stressful situations when you can and find ways to help you stay calm. Here are some ideas to get you started.

There are also apps that can help you with this like Calm or Insight Timer and many programs available both in person and online.

Eat a Heart Healthy Diet

One of the most important ways to protect your health is to eat foods that are good for your heart and avoid those that aren’t. You will want to focus on whole foods like grains, beans, vegetables and fruits and avoid sugars, breads, certain oils and salty foods. Limiting sodium is especially important as it can increase your blood pressure.

Two of the commonly recommended diets for heart health are the Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diet. They both include flavorful foods that you can enjoy. These diets also support brain health, are anti-inflammatory and are good for you overall. We encourage you to find and adopt a heart healthy eating plan that works for you.

We take heart disease seriously and hope you do too. Improving your lifestyle in any of these areas will help and if you do them all we believe you are likely to look better, feel better and live longer, more vibrant lives. Please reach out to us if you would like our support on your heart heath journey.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

new year

A new year is a fresh start full of new opportunities. Whether you make resolutions or not, you can take advantage of the fresh energy of the new year to boost your health. Some of you will love setting new goals and planning how to achieve them while others will be more comfortable just easing into them. Whatever you choose, we hope you take advantage of this new year to create better health.

Here are some of the areas we recommend focusing on:

Improving Health Habits – It is likely the most common new year resolutions are around diet and exercise. Our health habits tend to slip over the holidays, leaving us feeling a little behind and more ready to get back on track. Or, we may want to finally lose weight, get strong or choose foods that are better for us. Diet and exercise are powerful ways to improve your health whether you have a big plan or just lean into one small step at a time.

Limiting Unhealthy Things – If there are things in your life that are inhibiting your health or happiness, now might be a good time to let them go. They can be things we put in our body like sugar, alcohol, drugs, tobacco or vaping. For some of you they may be things you do too much of, like gaming, TV, gambling, shopping or watching news programs that leave you feeling upset. Actually, anything that detracts from your ability to live well and enjoy life could be considered.

Committing to Medical Visits and Screenings – Annual wellness checks, mammograms and other routine screenings are important for maintaining health and catching any challenges early while they are easier to resolve. We recommend scheduling these ahead when you can so that you don’t forget. If you are due or overdue, now would be a great time to call. (714) 486-1228

Staying Up to Date on Vaccines – Vaccines prevent illness and can even save your life. Current recommended vaccines include HPV, Flu, Covid, Pneumonia, Shingles, Tetanus and more. Please be sure to check with us if you are not sure what you are due for.

Practicing Safe Sex – For those of you who are not in trusted monogamous relationships we recommend practicing safe sex. These methods can help prevent life threatening diseases, infections and unwanted pregnancies. Prevention is always better than dealing with unhealthy consequences later.

Making healthy changes is not always easy and we encourage you to seek help if you need it. In the end, being more healthy and feeling better will be worth it. If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment, please give us a call.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

breast cancer prevention resources

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and it’s very likely that you or someone you care about has faced this diagnosis. It’s important that we all protect ourselves and do what we can to prevent this deadly disease.

Breast Cancer Prevention

Fortunately, there are several steps we can take to prevent or catch this cancer in it’s early stages when it’s easier to treat and resolve.

Monthly Breast Self-Exams: These easy to do exams are the first line of defense. Forty percent of breast cancers are found when women feel a lump. If you don’t know how to examine your breasts fully, check our resources below.

Mammograms: Annual x-ray screenings of the breasts are generally recommended starting at age 45. They can detect abnormalities in breast tissue that could be cancerous.

Annual Women’s Wellness Exams: Women should see a medical professional annually for a breast exam, cervical cancer screening, and overall health review. Call us to schedule yours at (714) 486-1228.

Genetic Testing: Women who have a high incidence of breast cancers in their family may choose to have genetic testing and consider more aggressive preventative treatments.

Breast Cancer Resources

How to do a breast self-exam: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-self-exam or https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/3990-breast-self-exam

Free educational guides: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/educational-guides/

National Breast Cancer Foundation: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/

BreastCancer.org: https://www.breastcancer.org/

Cancer.org: https://www.cancer.org/

If you are due for an annual screening, feel a lump or have any questions, we are here to help. Please give us a call.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a deadly disease with a 5 year survival rate of only 68%. It’s important we take it seriously. Signs to look out for are abnormal bleeding or discharge, painful sex, lower back pain or unintended weight loss, but it’s best to catch it before there are any symptoms at all.

Or, prevent it.


One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, which means most of us have been impacted by this deadly disease in some way. We may have lost a loved one or friend, know someone who fought it and survived or be in a high-risk category ourselves.

It’s important to be aware of risk factors that may apply to you. Having them doesn’t mean you will get breast cancer for sure, but additional preventive measures may be recommended.

The top two risk factors are:

Family History: If family members have had breast or ovarian cancer it may be a sign you carry the BRCA gene which increases your risk.

Age: Incidences of breast cancer begin to rise at age 45 and increase as you get older.  

The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to find the cancer early! This means being committed to:

When caught in an early localized stage the survival rate for 5 years is 100%. The odds get worse as time goes by and the cancer gets stronger. It’s important to be proactive when it comes to protecting your breasts and your life..

Other things you can do to help prevent breast cancer include:

If you are concerned about your breast health or have not had a women’s health exam in the last year, we encourage you to call and schedule now.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

Whether you are trying for a baby that is part of your family plan or may be having one by surprise, being able to confirm you are pregnant can be a big deal. While some women “just know” in an intuitive way, most of us rely on other forms of verification.

Physical Changes in Your Body

You may start to experience some physical changes in your body when about 3 weeks along. These can include:

Unfortunately, most of these can also be attributed to other things, so while they may be evidence of pregnancy it’s best to also consider another method of verification.

Pee-on-a-stick (POAS) Pregnancy Test

This commonly used method tests urine for a hormone that is present after implantation. The tests have varied levels of sensitivity and the hormone increases with time, so testing very early may not be reliable. It is commonly recommended to test at around 3 weeks and then confirm with another test a couple weeks later.

Blood Test

Blood tests are more sensitive to the pregnancy hormone and can be considered accurate at the 3 week mark, but they are seldom used unless there is a medical concern involved.


Ultrasound technology can show the gestational sac as early as 3-4 weeks, but most doctors wait until 4-6 weeks to recommend one unless there is a medical reason to do so before then. Ultrasounds are often performed throughout pregnancy and are a fun way to document the growth of your baby.

Doppler Heartbeat Detection

Verifying pregnancy by listening for a heartbeat with a Doppler machine (wand on the abdomen) is not reliable until some time between 8 and 12 weeks.

We encourage you to contact your doctor if you think you might be pregnant. They can provide accurate confirmation of pregnancy, support, and information that will help ensure a healthy pregnancy and good outcome.

If you don’t already have an OB/Gyn in the Orange County area that you love, please give us a call. We would love to support you and provide the healthcare you will need.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

protect your heart
strawberries in heart shape

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women and it is important to take it seriously. Our goal is to prevent as many cardiovascular related issues in our patients as possible and help them lead healthy, vibrant lives.

For many of you, though, the most important risk factor is your lifestyle. The power of keeping your heart healthy is mostly in your hands.

We want you to be clear that the things you do today will impact how you look and feel in the future and how long you may live. Yes, unhealthy lifestyles can lead to early death, but they can also make the years you are alive very uncomfortable. We know this is not what you want for yourself. So, what do you do?

Quit Tobacco

Smoking and other tobacco use threatens your health in many ways. We are more likely to think about cancer or lung disease when we think of tobacco, but it is dangerous for your heart as well. If you use tobacco, stop as soon as you can. Here is a resource that can help: Smokefree

Exercise Regularly

Aerobic exercise like walking, running, swimming or biking will strengthen your heart and lungs and improve your health overall. They are also the best exercises for weight loss which can also be a factor in cardiac risk. For most people, walking is the easiest exercise to incorporate and it has a wide range of benefits for health in general.

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week to maintain a healthy heart. They also recommend strength training twice a week and in general, limiting the amount of time you spend sitting.

Reduce Stress

One of the effects of stress is an increase in your heartrate and blood pressure. When this happens regularly it can be dangerous. We encourage you to find what helps you feel more calm. Common ways of doing this include:

There are also apps that can help you with this like Calm or Insight Timer and many programs available both in person and online.

Heart Healthy Diet

One of the most important ways to protect your health is to eat foods that are good for your heart and avoid those that aren’t. You will want to focus on whole foods like grains, beans, vegetables and fruits and avoid sugars, breads and salty foods. Sodium is especially important as it can increase your blood pressure.

Two of the commonly recommended diets for heart health are the Dash Diet and Mediterranean Diet. They both include flavorful foods that you can enjoy. These diets also support brain health, are anti-inflammatory and are good for you overall. We encourage you to look for a heart healthy eating plan that will work for you.

We take heart disease seriously and hope you do too. Improving your lifestyle in any of these areas will help and if you do them all we believe you are likely to look better, feel better and live longer. Who wouldn’t want that?

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

getting pregnant

If you have decided it is time to start your family we are very excited for you. We have witnessed the miracles of pregnancy, birth and babies and know what a blessing they are.

While most women have no difficulty getting pregnant, about 10 to 15% find it doesn’t happen right away. If you are excited about bringing a new baby into your family as soon as possible there are some simple things you can do to improve your chances of that happening.

Stop Smoking – Tobacco use can inhibit fertility in many ways and it is dangerous for your health and the health of your baby. If you smoke, we encourage you to quit right away.

Exercise, but Not Too Much – While exercise is important for health and can contribute to fertility, excessive exercise can result in skipped periods and missed opportunities for getting pregnant.

Avoid Extremes in Weight – Being underweight or overweight can effect your hormone levels and prevent your pregnancy dreams from coming true.

Ban Alcohol and Drug Use – These substances can make conception difficult and are dangerous for you and your baby. If you use them regularly, it is best to get help stopping them before considering adding a baby into your life.

Limit Caffeine – Caffeine is a stimulant that may hinder your ability to get pregnant. It also raises your blood pressure which can be dangerous during pregnancy and has been associated with birth defects.

If you have had frequent, unprotected sex for over a year without getting pregnant, there may be a fertility issue. Give us a call. We can help identify and in most cases resolve it.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

self care

Self care is not being selfish. It is an important part of taking care of yourself. We all need to refresh and replenish from time to time and it supports us in staying healthy, resilient, strong and happy. When we practice self care we become more relaxed and effective as we interact with our work, families and other areas of our lives. And that, is a good thing.

7 Ways to Practice Self Care

Nurture Your Body: When you exercise regularly and eat well your body will have the strength, flexibility and nutrients it needs to operate at it’s best. Your body is the foundation of your life and it’s important to treat it well.

Connect with Others Regularly: Human connection is a basic need we all have. Without it our lives become contracted, cold and boring. Nurture your personal and family relationships and build solid connections within your community. You will be happier when you do.

Spend Time Alone: As much as we need connections, we also need time alone to reconnect with ourselves and replenish our energy. If you need to, schedule it. Use the time to do something you enjoy or find relaxing. When you do, life will seem much easier and you will be able to show up as your best self.

Soothe Your Stress: It’s a busy, crazy world and we are all feeling extra stress. We need to remember that stress is hard on us mentally, emotionally and physically. Find stress relief practices that work for you and commit to them on a regular basis. You will be much more effective and healthy when you live in a calmer state of mind.

Prioritize Sleep: During sleep your body and brain replenish and heal themselves. Too often, we forget that it is a priority and choose instead to stay up later, watch more TV or continue habits that make it difficult to enjoy quality sleep. While lack of sleep may not seem like a big deal, especially if we can just grab some caffeine in the morning, it has been linked to many dangerous medical conditions and should be taken seriously.

Follow Medical Recommendations: Immunizations and regular medical screenings save lives. Yours could be one of them. And, when your Doctor recommends specific testing, medication or lifestyle changes – listen. It could make a difference in how long you live and how you experience the time you have. It’s easy to think you can postpone things or it doesn’t matter, but your lack of action may end up being one of your biggest regrets later.

Say No to Negativity: It says something about our world when the most popular books and movies are about violence and murder. Taking part in this culture of negative influence impacts how we feel about ourselves and the world we live in. Choose things that are uplifting. Focus on gratitude. Find joy in the little things. And, just say no when something or someone tries to bring negativity into your life.

Here, at Miracle Orchids Medical Center we see the beauty and magic in all of the women we serve. We hope that you can see it in yourself and nurture it by practicing self care.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228

pregnancy prevention

It is important for people who are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy to be informed and proactive about birth control. There are many types of contraception available, but keep in mind the only completely reliable method for avoiding pregnancy is abstaining from sex.

There are a number of alternatives for pregnancy prevention that vary in effectiveness and convenience. It’s important to remember that not all of them protect against sexually transmitted diseases and infections, especially if you are not in a committed relationship with someone you trust.

Here are some pregnancy prevention options you may want to consider.

Barrier Methods

Just like it sounds, these methods use a barrier to block the sperm from meeting the egg. These barriers can also protect you from STDs transferred by fluids, but only protect from skin contact infections where the skin is actually covered.

Male and Female Condoms: According to the CDC these are about 80% effective when used correctly.

Diaphram: When placed properly with spermicide this method is about 90% effective.

Cervical Cap: Results can vary, but are estimated around 70%.

Sponge: This option contains spermicide and needs to be placed correctly, but can be about 75% to 85% effective.

Spermicide: When used on it’s own spermicide is about 70% effective. It’s important to follow the specific guidelines of placing it 10 minutes before sex and knowing you are only protected for about an hour.

Hormonal Methods

These contraceptives prevent pregnancy by using hormones to stop ovulation.

Birth Control Pills: While a prescription is needed, this is the most common method of pregnancy prevention. When taken as directed they can be 99% effective.

Other Hormone Delivery Methods: Contraceptive medications can also be delivered via a patch, vaginal ring or injections. Their effectiveness varies between 90% and 99%.

Intrauterine Devices and Implants

IUD: This small device is inserted in your uterus by a doctor and can last for years. It works by thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm entering the uterus and other hormonal changes. It can be up to 99% effective.

Implant: This is a matchstick sized rod that is placed in your arm. It works by releasing a hormone that stops ovulation and is considered to be 99% effective. You will need a new one every 3 years.

Natural Family Planning

This method of birth control involves tracking your menstrual cycle and avoiding sex when you are in the fertile phase of the that cycle. When done correctly it is about 76% effective.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception should never be used in place of regular forms of birth control. It is important to act quickly because the sooner it is used the more effective it will be. There are 2 methods of emergency contraception.


For those interested in more permanent options there are minor surgical procedures for both men and women that are about 99% effective.

Choosing a pregnancy prevention option is something best done in partnership with your medical doctor. We can answer any questions you have and help guide you to the method that will serve you best.

If you live in Orange County, CA and don’t already have an OB/Gyn you love, give us a call. We would love to support you through all of your women’s health needs.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228