What to Eat When You are Breastfeeding


There are many benefits of breastfeeding for both you and your baby. Breast milk contains ideal nutrients and antibodies that can keep your little one well. For you, breastfeeding helps your uterus return to normal, supports weight loss and may decrease your risk of breast and uterine cancer. So, when you can, breastfeeding is usually recommended.

Many women who plan on breastfeeding are not sure how they should be eating. Here are a few guidelines:

You may need to eat more calories. It is estimated that 300 – 400 additional calories of highly nutritious foods should be sufficient for providing energy and producing milk.

There are foods that you should avoid. It is best to not drink alcohol or caffeine when you are breastfeeding. There are also concerns about eating fish, which commonly has high levels of mercury. In time, you may learn that your baby doesn’t do well with certain foods or spices and want to avoid them as well.

Choose quality foods. Eating a protein rich diet will help milk production and making healthy food choices will provide you and your baby with the nutrition you need to thrive. You may also want to talk to your doctor to see if they recommend you take supplements.

Drink plenty of fluids. Many doctors recommend having a glass of water or other non-sugary liquid after each breastfeeding session. You can also monitor the color of your urine, drinking enough to keep it from turning bright or dark yellow.

Monitor your baby’s reactions. If you notice your baby gets fussy or has digestive issues after you eat certain foods, you will want to avoid them. Rashes, diarrhea or wheezing after breastfeeding need to be addressed with your baby’s doctor.

Breastfeeding is about providing quality nutrients for you and your little one and avoiding anything that causes irritation or upsets. You will learn what works best in your situation as you get to know your baby. In the meantime, enjoy the bonding time breastfeeding provides as well as the many other benefits.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228