1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and this year an estimated 42,170 women in the U.S. will lose their lives to it. This is why we encourage you to be proactive about your breast health.
Cancer happens when abnormal cells grow and invade healthy cells in your body. They have the potential to metastasize or spread to organs and other areas, which is when cancer becomes life threatening.
When breast cancer is detected early, while it is still local, the 5 year survival rate is 99%. Later detection can be devastating.
Early diagnosis through cancer screenings like annual mammograms can truly save your life.
In addition to annual screenings we also recommend monthly breast self-exams. Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam practice is very important. You can learn how with this free downloadable ebook.
It is also important to have a clinical breast exam every year. In our office it is included with your annual Women’s Health Visit, where we also screen for other deadly cancers and health issues.
If you are due or overdue for your yearly visit, please give us a call. It could save your life.