pregnancy prevention

It is important for people who are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy to be informed and proactive about birth control. There are many types of contraception available, but keep in mind the only completely reliable method for avoiding pregnancy is abstaining from sex.

There are a number of alternatives for pregnancy prevention that vary in effectiveness and convenience. It’s important to remember that not all of them protect against sexually transmitted diseases and infections, especially if you are not in a committed relationship with someone you trust.

Here are some pregnancy prevention options you may want to consider.

Barrier Methods

Just like it sounds, these methods use a barrier to block the sperm from meeting the egg. These barriers can also protect you from STDs transferred by fluids, but only protect from skin contact infections where the skin is actually covered.

Male and Female Condoms: According to the CDC these are about 80% effective when used correctly.

Diaphram: When placed properly with spermicide this method is about 90% effective.

Cervical Cap: Results can vary, but are estimated around 70%.

Sponge: This option contains spermicide and needs to be placed correctly, but can be about 75% to 85% effective.

Spermicide: When used on it’s own spermicide is about 70% effective. It’s important to follow the specific guidelines of placing it 10 minutes before sex and knowing you are only protected for about an hour.

Hormonal Methods

These contraceptives prevent pregnancy by using hormones to stop ovulation.

Birth Control Pills: While a prescription is needed, this is the most common method of pregnancy prevention. When taken as directed they can be 99% effective.

Other Hormone Delivery Methods: Contraceptive medications can also be delivered via a patch, vaginal ring or injections. Their effectiveness varies between 90% and 99%.

Intrauterine Devices and Implants

IUD: This small device is inserted in your uterus by a doctor and can last for years. It works by thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm entering the uterus and other hormonal changes. It can be up to 99% effective.

Implant: This is a matchstick sized rod that is placed in your arm. It works by releasing a hormone that stops ovulation and is considered to be 99% effective. You will need a new one every 3 years.

Natural Family Planning

This method of birth control involves tracking your menstrual cycle and avoiding sex when you are in the fertile phase of the that cycle. When done correctly it is about 76% effective.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception should never be used in place of regular forms of birth control. It is important to act quickly because the sooner it is used the more effective it will be. There are 2 methods of emergency contraception.


For those interested in more permanent options there are minor surgical procedures for both men and women that are about 99% effective.

Choosing a pregnancy prevention option is something best done in partnership with your medical doctor. We can answer any questions you have and help guide you to the method that will serve you best.

If you live in Orange County, CA and don’t already have an OB/Gyn you love, give us a call. We would love to support you through all of your women’s health needs.

Miracle Orchids Medical Center – Fountain Valley, CA – (714) 486-1228